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Why Should I Use a QPIA?

Now is the Time to Invest in Property If you’ve been considering investing in property, now is the perfect time to do it. People are literally jumping over themselves to buy investment properties thanks to interest rates being at a historic low. Owning an investment property has never been more affordable – so don’t become… Read more

What is a QPIA?

Having a great team around you is the first step to success if you’re looking to invest in property, and the first step to finding a great team is making sure they have the appropriate qualifications. You can start by ensuring your Property Investment Advisor is a QPIA… …wait, what does that mean, exactly? what… Read more

Does the Banking Royal Commission Affect You?

As you are probably well aware, the Banking Royal Commission concluded recently and a number of recommendations were issued by Commissioner, Kenneth Hayne.  There was very little surprise when some damning misconduct came to light.  Most Australians pinned their hopes on the banks being held to account for years of questionable and corrupt practices, but… Read more