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Queensland property next to the beach

Why is Everyone Moving to Queensland?

Australia’s Internal Migration 2020 2020 was Australia’s year for internal migration, with tens of thousands of individuals and families choosing to move between states. Several trends were seen throughout the interstate resident swap, including a clear inclination towards regional areas. A net total of 43,000 Australians moved from capital cities to regional areas last year…. Read more

Why You Should NEVER Self-Manage Your Investment Property

Property Investment is a Team Effort Owning an investment property is exactly like owning a business. With any business there is a clear structure of managers and employees, each with dedicated roles & responsibilities that add to the smooth and effective running of the business. In the overwhelming majority of cases a team approach brings… Read more

Is Now a Good Time to Invest in Property?

2020 was a challenging year for many people. Job losses, sickness, changes to schooling, toilet paper shortages and cancellations of travel and events have left many households in a stage of recuperating, rescheduling, and restarting. The global pandemic affected everything, and property all over Australia saw new trends emerge to what is now an extremely… Read more

Adam Hindmarch - Director of Prospa Property Advisory

Why Invest In Property? | Adam’s Investment Journey

Hi, I’m Adam Hindmarch, Managing Director & Principal Strategist at Prospa Property Advisory.  Over the past few years, I’ve been lucky enough to combine one of my passions with a career – that passion being property investment.   Having come from very humble beginnings, home ownership has been important to me from a young age…. Read more

We Do the Heavy Lifting | Why Invest in a New Build

Why should you build your investment property? We Do the Heavy Lifting When you build your investment property through Prospa Property Advisory, we take all the heavy lifting out of the build process. This means you get all the benefits of a new property, without any of the additional stress. In addition, every property we… Read more

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